Thursday, 16 June 2016

2016 Optional London Mini Yarn Crawl

We are super excited to announce our collaboration with the lovely Yarn in the City ladies to create The Geeky Puffin Knit Palooza London Mini Yarn Crawl With Yarn in the City. All the details & the sign-up form can be found at:

If you haven't applied to attend the retreat yet, fill out the application at:

If you have any questions or problems, just send an email to us at GeekyPuffinKnitPalooza AT gmail DOT com.

Happy Knitting!
C.C., Dami, and Sam

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Vendor Market Application Deadline is Coming Soon!

If you're interested in having a booth or table at our Vendor Market, your application is due by Wednesday, 15-June. All the details & the application can be found at

To apply to attend the retreat, fill out the application at:

If you have any questions or problems, just send an email to us at GeekyPuffinKnitPalooza AT gmail DOT com.

Happy Knitting!
C.C., Dami, and Sam